Sunday, November 21, 2010

Neuromarketing - Marketing to the "Old" Brain

In this New age where technology is evolving at an extremely fast pace, scientists are coming up with new methods of reading human behaviors. Our Modern Scientists today have divided out brain into two categories, The “Old” brain vs. The “New” Brain. Neuromarketers follow this scientific notion and believe that the Old brain is the human survival center, it is “ our security system that blocks out everything risky and confusing while opting for everything safe delightful and exciting”.

Neuromarketing is the study of how people's brains respond to advertising and other brand-related messages by scientifically monitoring brainwave activity, eye-tracking and skin response. Scientists believe that the decision-making area of the Old Brain asks one main eternal question: “what is in it for me?” WIFM. According to research on Neuromarketing, people will line up to buy a product because it makes them feel “safe”, the product looks “delightful” and there is a strong want to feel satisfied. WIFM is believed to be a subliminal need for satisfaction in terms of health, wealth, relationship or a combination of all three, which the Neurmarketer attacks through advertising, or appearance of products.

Based on a wide body of research, the Neuromarketer attracts consumers by using trigger words such as family, profit or a negative one like bankrupt. These words are believed to snap right into the Old Brain, which pulls us in as consumers. Words like this have a strong connection to WIFM and help develop an appealing experience that we as consumers are able to stand in line for because of the need for satisfaction. In a recent study by Marketing expert Martin Lindstorm, Visual symbols of dominant brands such as an Ipod or Minicooper or even labels on a cigarette stimulate activity in the brain causing consumers to want them whether they are harmful to them or not.

Although for producers and Scientists Neuromarketing is seen as a great way of marketing products to consumers, others believe consumers are catching on to the “gimmick’ and are more able to reject the stimuli in the Old Brain. People believe consumers are being treated as machines by using a Brain Scan to influence decision-making, hence Neuromarketing.

What do you as consumers believe? Is Neuromarketing a form of using us as robots to sell a product or an honest form of Marketing?

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